Bikes & Shots

     Sooooo, about a month ago my good friend Karin (who was in town for the summer) decided we should do something fun, something we'd never done before...something other than eat (which we both love dearly). This brief moment of brainstorming birthed one of the greatest ideas, and adventures I've ever been apart of in my 35 years. She decided to combine our love for alcohol consumption with our love for biking. A few hours later, our brainchild #Bikes&Bars had been conceived. We spent the entire evening hitting every bar within a 4 mile radius of my house, taking shots, drinking beer, and just having an all around awesome time. Unfortunately, we didn't account for the skill it would take for the both of us to bike back to my place, extremely inebriated, on the dark streets of Memphis! Let me tell you, pedaling uphill drunk is for the fucking birds!

    Fast forward a month and a half later and we decided our bodies were ready for another adventure, this time minus the alcohol! After purchasing my first SLR camera, we both agreed it was time to get out and take some shots (as in photos, not Jameson). So we set out on our bikes around downtown Memphis to capture the essence of our great city, We ended up getting some great shots of everything from the Beale Street Flippers, to The Lorraine Motel (where Dr. King was assassinated). Enjoy.........

Let's Try This Again!

About three years ago, someone suggested that I take my love of music and create a blog. My entire life has always been centered around music, and that remains the case to this day. Unfortunately, my lack of free time combined with the lack of quality music being released these days has completed killed any desire I had to maintain this blog, but alas I AM BACK! Rejuvenated and refreshed, we're gonna try this thing once more, but this time with a twist. Instead blogging strictly about music, I'm going blog about the things I love, the arts, photography, and my city (Memphis Stand Up). I've just recently become interested in digital photography, and after purchasing my first SLR camera, I've had the opportunity to capture some amazing shots around town. Its crazy how spending a couple hundred bucks on a camera can make you see the beauty in a city in which you've known for 30+ years. But hey, better late than never right?